
西班牙语 越南

Pandemic and slowdown brings our emotional health into focus



   在家里度过了一个春天之后, many Coloradans are breathing a sigh of relief as they emerge from the strict stay-at-home orders and feel the sunshine of summer on masked faces.  然而,, many others are left wondering why that anxious feeling in the pit of their stomach just won’t go away.

   我们当中有类似感受的人并不孤单. A poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation found 45 percent of Americans say stress from the global pandemic has harmed their mental health, and calls and texts to national support lines have jumped significantly since this time last year. 科罗拉多人担心经济不安全, 对疾病和死亡的焦虑, 和不确定的未来, 根据科罗拉多州健康基金会请拨打970-221-5551寻求帮助离子的调查.

   Just as scientists describe a potential series of “peaks” of COVID-19 cases, experts across the country anticipate a steady increase in behavioral health needs in the next weeks and months, 克里斯汀·科克伦-沃德说, director of Connections mental health program for the 网上博彩澳门银河.

   “We’ve never dealt with anything like this before in our lifetime, all of these stressors and disappointments coming at us at once,科克伦-沃德说. “Feeling occasionally anxious or having a heightened sense of awareness is a normal response to an abnormal situation. 但如果它引起了经常性的焦虑或恐惧, 一种不知所措的感觉, 强烈的悲伤, 失落感:失落或孤立的感觉, 比你平时更愤怒, or disrupting your sleep or concentration—or if you just feel worse emotionally than usual, 知道可以得到帮助是很重要的. Making that call may help you on your way to feeling better.”

   在拉里默县, a 24/7 COVID-19 emotional support line was established in response to the pandemic. 从8点开始.m. 到8点.m. it is staffed by specialists from the Health District’s Connections program, 而SummitStone Health Partners的工作人员会在夜间负责. Trained staff listen to concerns, answer questions, and offer emotional support and resources.


   Now that we have more freedom to move around in our communities again and aren’t stuck looking at the same walls, 我们的心理健康不应该改善吗? 其实,我们的大脑要复杂得多.

   “Our first focus as humans is on survival,” Cochran-Ward explains. “Once stay-at-home orders are lifted and we begin to feel a bit more physically safe, our minds turn to the financial and emotional impacts of the shutdowns on our family and community—that’s when people start to realize that the emotions can be tough to handle alone.”

   The emotional support line will continue throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, thanks in part to a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant that covers the cost of three additional full-time positions to help with the expected increase in call volume on the support line.

   “我们都需要照顾好自己的情绪健康, so please don’t be afraid to call the support line and take advantage of these increased resources during these difficult times,尼克·克里斯滕森说, a member of the Larimer County Behavioral Health Policy Council.


   “One issue not getting enough attention is the grief most of us are experiencing over the loss of our normal way of life,科克伦-沃德指出. 所有错过的毕业典礼, 家庭聚会, 婴儿淋浴, 婚礼, and cancelled vacations are important life events that we depend on to get us through the tough times.

   These losses coupled with the fact that the virus has not left us—we are still asked to wear masks and stay 6 feet apart until there is a vaccine—can be frustrating and sad.

   呼叫支持线的人在这个新问题上很挣扎, 意想不到的现实, 但也有获得适当帮助的选择. In addition to just being able to call and talk to a supportive person,  individuals who want to talk with other community members working through similar things may want to participate in pandemic-related support groups.

   “小组帮助人们与支持网络联系起来, 减少他们的孤立感, and provide tools on how to handle the stress and anxiety that COVID-19 caused or increased,詹娜·雷蒙德解释道。, a Connections behavioral health specialist who helps facilitate the groups.


   而我们却不能去拜访很多家人和朋友, virtual events where you chat or cook or make something at the same time have become a popular way to socialize and let off steam. 如果你们的聚会涉及酒精, remember to stick to moderate amounts (one drink per day for women, up to two drinks for men) and pay attention to your state of mind.

   “If you’re using substances to deal with emotions it can lead to problems,科克伦-沃德说. “Bottom line is don’t use substances to cope—check in with yourself and make sure it’s not becoming a problem. 如果是,现在就打电话给我们.”

   也, people in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction and those with pre-existing mental health issues may be experiencing additional stress. 可以得到帮助, 所以如果你在挣扎, 不要等着看你是否变得更好——马上伸出手来, 她建议.

   除了支持热线和支持小组, 连接程序及其子程序, 青少年, and Young Adult Connections (CAYAC) Team are also providing their regular services through mostly telehealth appointments, including assessments and connections to the mental health and substance use services most likely to meet individual’s and family’s needs, 在需要的时候.

   Given the unprecedented time we’re living through and all the unknowns that lie ahead, 我们如何找到心理平衡并保持积极?

   科克伦-沃德建议,专注于照顾彼此. Reach out to neighbors and friends and ask how they are doing. 不要害怕答案. “Remember that professional help is available to enhance coping skills or simply listen and offer support. 没人需要独自承受这一切.”情感支持的迹象和选择